WCFW Fashion favorites from Tuesday & Wednesday

This week I got to indulge with Western Canada Fashion Week in Edmonton. I can never get enough of WCFW. Here are the highlights from Tuesday &  Wednesday.

On Tuesday Averynthe (Calgary) collection came out powerful with a light thin black material. The ladies rocked it as they flowed down the runway. My favorite feature – The Cape Belt – Of course!


My Wednesday night favorite was the local LUX Ready to Wear. The collection has a great selection of business ready attire. My favorite feature – A sparkly black material that shone and sparkled with every move the models took. It looked like twinkling stars lived in their outfits.


Special Mention – Tuesday’s Trippy Hippy’s collection brought so much color and fun to the runway. The quilted outfits with glitter hair were a party for the eyes.



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Respectfully acknowledge that I am located in the Traditional Wəlastəkwiyik land. And that this area is on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Wolastoqiyik, Peskotomuhkati and Mi’kmaq, respectively known as Wolastokuk, Peskotomuhkatik and Mi’kma'ki. These lands are covered by the Treaties of Peace and Friendship first signed with the British Crown in 1725, and then recognized and affirmed by Canada in section 35 of the Constitution Act of 1982. The treaties did not surrender the territory and resources but in fact recognized Wolastokuk, Peskotomuhkatik and Mi’kma'ki title, and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations. I pay respect to the elders, past and present, and descendants of this land.