Saint John Ghost Tour Experience, La Petite Watson

Imperial Theatre’s Ghost Tour: Ready for a Spooky Saint John Experience?

Are you looking for a fun theatrical tour of ghostly propositions? At the end of October, the Imperial Theatre launched its first ghost tour. As soon as I heard about it, I bought my ticket to the first of two showings. I wasn’t the only curious Saint Johner since the popular tour sold out immediately. 

Note: Due to its popularity, they plan to host it again, either later in the year or around Halloween. 

In the lobby, our two guides greeted us in old black periode-inspired dresses, setting a chilling stage as they started sharing the history of the theatre. The tour took the group to different parts of the theatre, sharing tales intertwined with its history and current haunted occurrences. The main ghost star of the show was Walter Golding, a manager who used to work & live at the Imperial. We learned about his past life, accomplishments, and how he currently likes to move things around to prove points and make a bit of a mess. He sounds like a grumpy, stern, and friendly kind of spirit.

Our two guides in costume weren’t the only theatrical elements; they moved us from one location to the next using darkness, lighting, colour, and a few eerie moments, creating a fully immersive experience. I had a blast! I would definitely take this tour again and highly recommend booking it if you are brave enough and have the chance.

Quick fact: The Imperial Theatre had its grand opening in 1913 so you know it’s guaranteed to have a few ghosts! 

Imperial Theatre Events Calendar
12 King Square S, Saint John, NB
Ghost Tour

  • Low scare level
  • Walking tour (a few flights of stairs)

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Saint John Ghost Tour Experience, La Petite Watson

One comment on “Imperial Theatre’s Ghost Tour: Ready for a Spooky Saint John Experience?

  • Jason , Direct link to comment

    I was wondering if any paranormal group has ever investigated the threatre? If not then i was wondering if it would be possible at some time not with the tour because hauntings do show with proper equipment and me and a few others would love to investigate. We would require security on site for safety and also be sure to keep an eye on everything we do. We have the most respect for the theatre and Saint John is my hometown and would never give a lovely landmark a bad name.
    To be honest i have never gotten the chance to step foot in the theatre and a good first time viewing history by investigating the paranormal and experience the history with fresh eyes.

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