This past year has been relativity quiet for us; JC has been busy studying for his Project Management Professional (PMP) designation (which he just passed!!) and I have been working on a few side projects (you may have seen me at Share the Flair). My biggest side project, which has been taking up most of my time and energy is….. Adding a little Adventurer to our family, who is coming soon at the end of this year!

We are both super excited about the news and wanted to share it with you, especially after my miscarriage at the end of last year. My pregnancy path has had moments of excitement, sadness, pain, joy, sickness, and amazement at getting to see the little one move so much on the ultrasound screen. With my pregnancy journey only about halfway done, I am enthusiastically curious about our future chapters (also super curious to find out if our adventurer is a girl or boy).

With this big new life change, we had some even bigger decisions to make. The most challenging one was where did we want to raise our little one? Edmonton has been our loving home for the past 9 years. It is a place filled with our best friends, great experiences, and amazing landscapes. We have even been fortunate to be close to some of my family and shared fond memories with them. Also, both of our work environments have been rewarding and supportive, and the friendships we have made there will always be cherished.

As amazing as things have been in Edmonton, we need to move back to our roots; to the Maritimes to New Brunswick. We made this decision so our little one can grow up having all the same great experiences we had; spending time with their grandparents, walking along the ocean shoreline, hiking through the woods without a trail or map, and really connecting with where we are from. It also really, really helps that both my parents are retired; who doesn’t love the idea of willing and readily available babysitters!

So we will be packing our bags at the end of this summer and taking a road trip across the country before I get too big and uncomfortable to travel. It’s scary to uproot our lives and change almost everything, but with the support of our family and friends, it will be a fantastic beginning to a new and wonderful adventure!
Want to follow along as we road trip across Canada? Be sure to follow me on Instagram and watch my stories!