Live Like a Tourist

Live like a Tourist Challenge La Petite Watson

Bored of Your Routine?

Be a tourist in your own city!

5 Steps to Live like a Tourist.

Do you get bored or stuck in a routine? Always doing the same things, going to the same places, and eating the same food? Find yourself thinking “If only I lived somewhere else, somewhere more interesting, I would love to live there, not here!”

It can be easy to get trapped in routines and feel boredom settling in. By pretending to be a tourist in your own town, it paints your neighbourhood in fresh vibrant experiences. It is easy to rediscover your city by exploring different areas you have never been to and revisiting old some favourites. Try out these 5 steps and live like a tourist.

Live Like a Tourist Challenge

Step 1 Taste New Flavours

Food is a daily part of your routine. What better way to shake things up then by changing that one piece? Take small steps by simply visiting a different coffee shop for your regular cup of joe. Step out of your comfort zone and find a restaurant that specializes in a different country’s cuisine. Not sure where to find a new place? Ask a friend or co-worker and find out where they like to eat.

Step 2 Visit a Local Attraction

Sure, when you were a kid you visited the local zoo or museum 5 times a year, but when was the last time you went? You may feel like you have been to every place in town already but over the years the experience changes. At your local attractions, new exhibits may have been installed and new tour guides bring their own unique personal flair.

Step 3 Attend an Event

Find a sports game that is happening on the weekend. You do not need to fully understand the game to get excited when cheering with the rest of the crowd. The energy from all the enthusiasm at events is contagious. It does not matter what season it is, there is always an event going on in your local community. See what your extended family members are involved with and check out one of their games or a local musical performance.

Step 4 Explore the Great Outdoors

Changing the scenery and enjoying some fresh air is uplifting. It is easy to feel stuck inside sometimes. Hitting up the local trails or reading a book at a park are two great ways to get outside. Grab that forgotten Frisbee, snowshoes, or bike in the closet, and head out to enjoy the weather, no matter what it is.

Step 5 Buy a Souvenir

Spend some time at the local artesian shops, farmer’s markets, or craft shows. By shopping at local places you can see items for sale that are labours of love and highlight the area in a way you maybe have not noticed before. Buying a small gift for a friend or some fresh baked goods for yourself makes for a great souvenir while supporting your community.

Challenge yourself to do one step each week

These small steps are an easy way to create new habits and rediscover your neighbourhood. Try out a new step each week and enjoy finding different things to do while meeting some interesting people along the way.

Want to Challenge yourself and become a tourist where you live?

Would you like tips, tricks, & tasks to be delivered to your inbox each week?

Then check out my free Live like a Tourist Email Challenge. Once you have signed up you will receive weekly emails to encourage local exploration.

Is pen and paper more your style?

Now available in the shop Click here to check out the Live Like a Tourist Activity Guide. Inside you will find weekly tasks, checklists, and a resource list.

Looking for things to do? Get exploring with this easy to use activity guide. It will help you discover new fun things to do in your neighborhood. Downloaded it on La Petite Watson

No matter which format you choose, you will soon be exploring and finding different ways to rediscover your city or town. Each week you will have a goal to achieve. Taking action is the best way to make changes! Be sure to share these fun tips with your friends!

Live like a Tourist Challenge La Petite Watson

No matter what town or city I have lived in, I have always loved living there. I cultivate that love through exploring everything that my area has to offer and always finding new things to do. Keeping my experiences fresh combats my boredom, no matter what season it is. I love helping others discover their own city through new eyes.

Let me know about the places you have discovered while Living like a Tourist by commenting below or tweet at me @LaPetiteWatson.

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Want some fun activities to do? Check out these 5 steps to rediscover your city or town! % steps to live like a tourist on La Petite Watson (with bonus email challenge)

© Lea St John and La Petite Watson, 2016-2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Lea Watson and La Petite Watson with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Respectfully acknowledge that I am located in the Traditional Wəlastəkwiyik land. And that this area is on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Wolastoqiyik, Peskotomuhkati and Mi’kmaq, respectively known as Wolastokuk, Peskotomuhkatik and Mi’kma'ki. These lands are covered by the Treaties of Peace and Friendship first signed with the British Crown in 1725, and then recognized and affirmed by Canada in section 35 of the Constitution Act of 1982. The treaties did not surrender the territory and resources but in fact recognized Wolastokuk, Peskotomuhkatik and Mi’kma'ki title, and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations. I pay respect to the elders, past and present, and descendants of this land.